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London Borough of Hackney - Repairs and Maintenance Tender

The task was to carry out repairs and maintenance services across 27 play sites.


All of the key items were listed out for us but we were also asked to prioritise works in order to meet a few different budget options. We then needed to list out any more urgent items that might need attending to since the original tender was written. 


I went to each of the sites with my Health and Safety manager and my RPII (Register of Play Inspectors International) accredited inspector to run through the client’s requests and budgets and to discuss the various options available.


On being awarded the Tender, we worked closely with Hackney to ensure the most urgent areas were addressed to meet the available budget. Working alongside my RPII inspector and my Health and Safety manager I was able to come up with practical and cost effective solutions. The presence of the qualified and accredited members of my team delivered a comforting assurance to my client that we were doing the right things and prioritising correctly. 


The end benefit to the users was that they had a lot safer parks and a nice blend of new play equipment and surfacing. The benefit to the client was that they were able to access a solution which was within budget and a full sign off for Insurance and Health & Safety purposes. 

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